Just about every kid would LOVE an awesome playhouse. We built a playhouse for my son about 5 or 6 years ago and he still uses it to this day. Our playhouse is similar to this free plan. We didn’t have a deck at the bottom, but we did elevate our floor about 3′.
A playhouse that is as well-built as the one in this plan, will last for years. The use that your kids, their friends, and your neighbors kids will make this fort well worth the investment of time and material. In fact, one thing that many folks don’t consider is the value that this adds to a home in general. If an identical home is for sale, and the prospective buyer has young children, which house do you think they will lean toward? The one with a play house for the kids, of course.

This plan uses many techniques that will aid you for the rest of your building days. The plan is large, but relatively easy to follow. Get your head around it and follow along with the step by step plan.
I strongly encourage anyone building something of this scale to read the entire plan first, go back to the beginning and then start building. You will be happy that you did and will have an understanding of what is coming next.
There are few a few changes that I would make to this plan. Primarily, I would be sure that it was more weather tight. I would accomplish this by building a traditional roof. You can have the exact same look as the plan calls for. You simply need to sheath the roof with plywood (or OSB) prior to adding your slats and roof panels.
Have fun building this terrific playhouse using the free plans from Canadian Home Workshop.
Click on the picture to download the PDF version of the plans.
From: http://canadianhomeworkshop.com/6597/project-plans/kid-cave
Original article and pictures take www.woodworkcity.com site
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