среда, 10 августа 2005 г.

A Princess Bedroom with a Loft Bed

A Princess Bedroom with a Loft Bed

It’s been over a year since I posted the original pictures of Malea’s loft bed! Can you believe it has taken me that long to finish her bedroom? I know, it’s terrible. The thing that took the longest was getting the motivation to paint her entire loft bed. I realized that the motivation might never come so I finally hired a friend to do it for me. Best money I’d spent in a long time, it looks amazing and I didn’t have to do a thing!

Before I show you the after pictures I want to remind you of the before. This was taken last December, right after my husband finished building it.

Here’s what it looks like now.

She loves sleeping way high up in her princess bed, and I love that the stairs provide so much extra storage! I added these vinyl numbers to the stairs, just for fun.

I also made her some new curtains for her room and the play house. They are coordinating patters, with all the colors from her room, in the fabric.

I love all the little cafes on this print.

Under her bed is her play house. I love that she has her own little play area down there and she and her friends have so much fun playing in it.

She also has her very own closet for all of her princess dresses. When she’s older this will be a great spot for her to have a little TV and a bean bag, or something like that.

On the other side of her room is her huge Barbie house that her grandparents got her for Christmas. She is good about keeping it nice and tidy, in fact the other day she told her babysitter, “I have to put everything in the right places so mommy knows I’m a good cleaner.”

To the right of her bed is her recently customized closet. I honestly didn’t think she would really care about it that much, but I was wrong. She absolutely loves it. She shows everyone that comes over and she tells me all the time she loves how pretty it is. I love that she appreciates cleanliness and organization. Makes my heart proud.

Above her closet is her name and some plates from my grandma. I used to have them hanging in her playhouse but one day she decided this was where she wanted them. She’s very particular about where things go, wonder where she get’s it from. {wink}

On the opposite side of the room is her dresser. I love this quote because I truly believe that someday she will do great things for the Lord!

That’s the tour of Malea’s princess room. There are still a few things left to do, like paint the chandelier and paint inside the playhouse, but other than that it’s finished! What do you think? Have you ever thought about building a loft bed for your kids?

Where to find items shown above:

Boxes in the closet

Original article and pictures take askannamoseley.com site

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